Friday, December 2, 2016

Experiment in Glass

The 6" piece of glass above was an experiment. I have a square bowl mold that when slumped the sides end up curving downward. I thought if I put a circle piece of glass into the square mold maybe the sides would slump downward into a straighter edge. A you can see in the slumped piece, that did not work. The edge stayed rounded. Which is acceptable for a different style of bowl edge and I do still like it.

Now for a mystery. I used clear glass circle for the base. I made clear frit from the scrap glass. I used other scrap glass for the design elements. I placed the clear frit around the other scrap pieces to fill in areas. Some of the yellow pieces were irid glass. The other was opal brown and white glass. After a full fuse the clear frit turned into dark bubbles. Why did that happen? The clear frit should have stayed clear and not turned into bubbles. There was no cap glass on the top to trap bubbles. The only thing I can think of was when I made my own frit in the metal Pipe frit maker some metal powder or shavings contaminated the frit. What do you think? But you wouldn't think the contamination would be evenly distributed throughout the frit. Anyway I like the effect it created.

The bowl turned out to be 4x4x1. I used the 6 inch square bowl mold below. It makes a nice sauce bowl, candle dish or jewelry bowl. It has many uses. Be creative with your molds. Think about using different shapes and sizes of glass in your molds to create unique pieces.

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