Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Back on the Road Again

Painting in the motor home at the dinette is not like my studio but it works. These are two paintings I have done on this trip.

The painting above is Sun Lakes Washington. It is 16x20 acrylic on gessoboard.

The painting above is "The Winery, Oliver Canada. It is 16x20 acrylic on gessoboard. Both paintings need some refinements when I get back to my studio. I worked from photos I took but made changes to fit my painting surface proportions and improved color and composition. Below are the photos I used for reference.



Tuesday, September 13, 2016

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Fused Glass Powder Painting

This is a 5.5x11 piece. I first did the drawing in black glass powder on a clear piece of glass. I sifted an even coat of powder all over the glass then began removing powder in the sky and moving the remaining powder around with various tools and brushes. I continued to work forward adding and subtracting powder where needed. I placed this on top of a second sheet of glass and full fused it.

Next I turned the piece over and painted with colored powders mixed with aloe vera gel. I let it dry completely over night and full fused it again. Putting the color on the backside kept the front smooth and glossy. These can be displayed on the wall, framed or unframed, or placed in a free standing table stand of metal or wood.

The photo below is after the 3rd and 4th firing. On the 3rd I painted the backside completely with aloe French vanilla paint to make the piece more opaque. I forgot that French vanilla reacts with cyan blue and it created the gray shadowing effect in the sky and the water area. I wasn't really happy with that so I put some more Opal cyan powder on the front side hoping to get rid of some of that gray. I also put a light dusting of blue over the back hills trying to set them back in distance. I probably should have put a heavier solid layer of cyan on the sky and simplified it more. I think I'll be done with this piece and take what I've learned and move on to the next.


Sunday, September 11, 2016

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More Powder Painting Fused Glass

This piece was all free hand outlined with aloe vera glass powder paint. Then I filled it in with more paint. I placed the design on clear glass over dusty lavender glass but after firing I didn't like the color so not to give up on the piece I covered all the lavender area with more aloe paint and fired it again. It's not a masterpiece but I like it much better. I was surprised the French vanilla covered so well.
Above with lavender glass, first firing.

Second firing with French vanilla over the lavender. The surface is completely smooth shiny glass.


Sunday, September 4, 2016

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More Aloe Vera Painting on glass

The photo above shows my artwork on the right that I drew on the iPad and printed out. I placed it under a clear piece of glass 5x6 and began to paint with white glass line paint and filled in with aloe Vera gel paint I made using aloe Vera gel as a medium for the glass powder.

The photo above shows the finished piece before fusing.

The photo above shows after firing. The white glassliner paint worked out well. The yellow powder paint could have been slightly brighter but this nice watercolor effect is subtle and acceptable over the black. The red powder paint got lost so use brighter and lighter colors over black. Also I figured out the red disappeared because I forgot it was a transparent red. Only use opaque glass over black. Dah! I did do some shading with black and white powders over the yellow but a lot of the black was just show through from the base glass. Also don't use the glassliner paint over the powder paint even if you let it dry thoroughly. It will fire rough and pitted and will not be as shiny or smooth as the powder paints. I think I will try the powder paint with the metal tips I use for the glassliner paint and see if that works better for drawing and outlining. Overall I think this experiment was successful and I will keep trying to perfect my technique.



Saturday, September 3, 2016

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More Glass Powder Painting

I have been experimenting with powdered glass. The piece above was done by placing real leaves on a piece of white Opal glass and then sifting over them using them as a stencil. I then lifted the leaves away carefully and then decided to use copper glass line paints to outline and add details to the leaves. I also used a sharp object to draw into the powder to make lines and squiggles.
The above photo shows the piece after a full fuse. I really like the powders because they fuse completely into the base glass and are glossy and do not feel like they have been added on to the top. Sometimes the glass liner paints feel raised and not quite as shiny, especially if they get a little thicker.
The piece above is also powders. I put a thin coat of aloe Vera over the white piece of glass and sifted on the yellow powder. On top of that I squeezed on premixed aloe Vera with powder from a squeeze bottle creating a design with the black and the red. I scrapped through the design with a palette knife to remove everything to form the thick white lines of just the white glass. I full fused the piece and then slumped into a candy dish mold. The glass was smaller and a different shape then the mold so I got a completely different bowl shape then the original candy dish shape. I was happy with the shape though.
The piece below was done with the homemade aloe vera powder paints. I cut a white opal circle of glass to paint on. I squeezed various colors of paint to make an abstract design. Then I scrapped through the black with a palette knife to create a texture. I also pushed the paint around with a brush and pulled some paint out with a toothpick to create the flaring lines. I added some clear frit to the red areas. Then I full fused the piece and slumped it into a shallow bowl.
The photo above is the gel paint before firing. I put it on kind of thick so I let it dry overnight before fusing.

The design was totally spontaneous because I'm still experimenting with the paints to see how they preform. The next one I do will be a more planned design. We'll see how that works out.