Saturday, May 13, 2017

Fused Glass Comparison

Well I added more color using ColorLine paints. I'm still not happy with it. The bird is ok but the branch is a bit distracting. Should have left it alone. Now all i can do is paint over it with a lighter color and refire again. The leaves could use another layer of paint in the lower right corner. The bubble in the top right corner that I drilled out did smooth out and fill in but it still left a circle shape in the design. Its is more acceptable now. I may fix the branch and leaves and fire one more time then slump into a 6x6 sushi dish.

Here is the piece fired the third time. The colors are much better and the branch and leaves have more interest. I still plan on slumping into a sushi plate. This photo was taken at night with lights on so colors are more vivid.

It has been slumped now and I am glad I made it into a dish. It has even more character now.

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