Reactive Glass Project
Reactive Glass Project
Iridecent fused glass project
Reactive Fused Glass
This is my first experience using reactive glass. The teal green glass has copper in its makeup and the opal cloud frit I used in the design reacts to the copper and forms a brownish outline where the two glasses meet. I like the detail it adds to the piece.
The piece below has French vanilla glass which also reacts to the teal in the same way.
The piece above has both French vanilla and opal cloud Bullseye glass. The left and right sides of this piece only have a clear glass cap. Especially on the right side you can see the difference of the clear capped area and the teal green with no clear cap. There is a distinct line between the two and the clear capped area has more depth and shine to it. The 3 pieces above may be slumped into small sushi plates.
In the cabochons you can see the difference between the French Vanilla and the Opal Cloud which is a bit bluish.
Tonight I am slumping a round dish I fused previously. I just received 4 new fusing molds in the mail this a.m. I am anxious to see the results. The mold is 10" but I am slumping a 9" circle in it. I think I'll be able to peek at it before I go to bed I hope.
This is the slumped plate I got out of the kiln this a.m. Nice slightly curved up edges.
I slumped the round plate above into the mold in the lower right hand corner.
More Irid Gold Glass
9" circle to be slumped into
A shallow bowl
Used up scraps to design
this piece. Not much
choice to work with.
Fired at Bonnie Glo kiln
Slow full fuse
SP User 6
Note: the glass line paint
split and moved around
On top of the irid gold glass.
Not that happy with iridescent
Black gold glass. Maybe try
clear backed next time.