Saturday, February 16, 2013

Last Work In Progress from Cabo

 Last work in progress painting from Cabo.

This is the last painting from this trip to Cabo. I have work in progress photos of this one. I could sure use another month here to really get in a painting mode. There is lots of inspiration to be had here.

Acrylic on canvas board. "Travelers Palm and Peacock"

Stage One

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Completed paintings from Cabo

Completed painting with final adjustments.

This painting is complete, at least until I get home. Heading home early tomorrow morning from Cabo.

Acrylic on canvas board. Cabo San Lucas Country Club.

Second painting from Cabo

Acrylic on watercolor paper. " Cabo Dusk"z

Third painting from Cabo

Acrylic on watercolor paper.  "Cabo Butterfly"